Woodland's Strongest brought to you by Ironworks Strength Alliance. Proceeds of event go to Cowlitz County FCA

June 20, 2025

Do you have what it takes to win the title of "Woodland's Strongest?" Ironworks Strength Alliance gym will host this event on Park St to find out! The 10 categories are:
Men's Masters age 40 and Up
-Under 215 lbs
-Over 215 lbs

Men's ages 16-39
-Under 165 lbs
-166-220 lbs
-Over 220 lbs

Women's Masters age 40 and up
-Under 160 lbs
-Over 160 lbs

Women's ages 16-39
-Under 140 lbs
-141-170 lbs
-Over 170 lbs

There will be three events;
1) Yoke and Log
Carry the Yoke into a Log Clean and Press away. 1 min, max reps

2) Elevated Deadlift for Max
It will be an 18'' elevated bar with raising weight. The bar will make set weight jumps. The athletes have 3 attempts at the weight they choose.

3) Load and Pull
Carry and load a sandbag into a truck, then pull the truck.

This is a fun event to add to our Planters Day Schedule to help build a stronger community. Participants certify that they attend/attended Woodland Schools, held a position for work in Woodland, attend church in Woodland, or have called Woodland home at one time.. Weights for each event is TBD but that and other details will be emailed to you as soon as possible. You can weigh in Thursday or Friday afternoon before the event. Questions and concerns please email [email protected].

Location Information

  • Event held on Park Street between CC & Buckeye
  • 943 Park St, Woodland, WA, 98674 US

Participant Enrollment


Age should be 14 or greater as of June 13th, 2025

Current Total

RegFox Event Registration Software